Awesome Alligators Autumn 2 Week 4
Date: 28th Nov 2024 @ 3:13pm
Year 6 Assessment Week
This week, the children have completed their mock SATs assessments. I am very proud of how hard the children have worked this week and the mature attitudes they have shown during test week.
In English this week, the children have began learning about 'balanced arguments'. This children looked at previous Year 6 writing to see what makes a good balanced argument. The children had their own oracy debate, based upon the book 'Pig Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman', to begin their learning about 'Should Cameron have a pigs heart?'.
Star of the Week- Kyra (fantastic hard work and always trying her best. This week she has written a fantastic explanation text about how the heart works
Star Writer- Kyra
Awesome Alligators' class attendance- 94.13%