Curriculum Statement


Note: More information about the curriculum can be made available by the academy office.

Reigate Park Primary Curriculum Statement


  • To provide an inclusive environment where all children thrive and feel safe.
  • To provide the children of Reigate Park Primary Academy with a broad, balanced and rich curriculum that inspires learning and promotes exploration of thoughts, feelings and ideas. 
  • To provide a solid foundation in basic skills as quickly as possible.
  • To provide a curriculum which enables our children to develop as a whole child. 
  • To ensure the values of the Harmony Pledge underpin all that we do in developing our curriculum.
  • To ensure that our curriculum offer provides our children with a wealth of experiences and opportunities to develop knowledge and skills for their future life choices.  
  • To remove significant barriers to learning to enable all pupils to reach their potential.  
  • To ensure a cross curricular approach enthuses children to write well whilst learning key knowledge and skills about the topic.  
  • To ensure that all children are given the opportunity to SHINE both during their time with us and after they have moved on.



  • Significant changes have been made to the curriculum to ensure progression across each phase.  These have ensured that developments in writing, mathematics, reading and topic are consistent across the whole school. 
  • SLT have ensured that developments are reviewed on a regular basis and that next steps are identified and implemented quickly.   
  • Approaches to learning are consistent across school.
  • The refurbishment of the library, along with substantial funding for book stock promotes a love of reading for pleasure throughout the academy. This includes each child receiving a story to take home to promote reading at home and for pleasure.  
  • Regular reading events are held to encourage parents and the community to engage with children’s reading. Examples include twice weekly Book Swaps, ‘Stay and Read’ mornings, phonics workshops and Bed Time story evenings.  
  • Ensuring children have regular access to specialist provision, E.g. music, art and sport, shows the importance placed on the wider curriculum in our curriculum offer. 
  • Ensuring children have regular opportunities to take part in learning beyond the classroom shows the importance placed on the wider curriculum in our curriculum offer. E.g forest schools, trips , Celebration of Dance, residential visits in Year 6 
  • The Maths curriculum provides pupils with daily challenge and opportunities to reason by using and problem solve by applying maths concepts.  
  • The IT curriculum provides pupils with modern skills within technology including e-safety awareness.   
  • Our systematic Interventions enable all children to achieve both academically and emotionally.
  • Our SEND provision maps ensures that the specific needs of all children are met.



  •  Our pupils love coming to school and enjoy learning.
  • Pupils at Reigate Park Primary Academy are engaged in their learning.  
  • Fixed term exclusions have reduced significantly over the year. 
  • Lunchtime behaviour incidents have reduced due to positive behaviour management and a consistently applied Behaviour Policy. 
  • Through our broad, balanced and rich curriculum we ensure that Fundamental British Values and SMSC are becoming embedded. 
  • Our children are developing their knowledge and understanding of the rich, cultural heritage of modern Britain.
  • A recent parent survey shows that communication between the school and parents/carers has improved and they feel listened to. They are demonstrating a greater involvement in the school community. 


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