Autumn 1 - Week 2

Date: 12th Sep 2024 @ 3:55pm

The Dazzling Dolphin's have had a wonderful start to Year 3.  The children have all settled well into their new classroom and back into the school routine.

At the start of the week, the children were revising place value in Maths and have now moved onto to counting in multiples.

In English, we have been learning new topic vocabulary linking to our topic 'Through The Ages', in preperation for our end of unit writing.

In Reading lessons, the children have been learning about the Stone Age and key facts that link with our topic. 

Star of the week - Joseph (for the best start to Year 3, by always showing his ready and trying his best!)

Writer of the week - Jaden (He has worked super hard on his handwriting this week!)

Class attendance - 93.06%

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