Autumn 1 Week 2

Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 12:18pm

Welcome back Year 3!

We’ve made a super start on our new topic ‘Through the Ages’ learning about the Stone Age. We have learnt about Stone Age tools, what Stone Age people ate and how they lived so far! The children have been using the new vocabulary learnt from topic lessons like ‘formidable’ and ‘archeologists’ in their writing.

We’ve been practising our year 3/4 common exception words and have been working on our handwriting skills and presentation. In

Maths, we have been learning about Place Value including ordering 3 digit numbers and comparing numbers using ‘greater than’ and ‘less than’.

We have also received the iPads and we are working through the iPad lessons. The iPads will support the children with their learning in class and will also allow them to complete home learning tasks at home.

Have a super weekend!

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