Autumn 1 Week 5

Date: 6th Dec 2024 @ 8:13am

This week, the children in Year 3 have been learning about features of a persuasive letter, including emotive language and  exaggeration! We carried out some role play to practise using these features.

In Maths, the children have been very busy doing their half term assessments and have tried really hard to put in practise all the methods they've learned in year 3 so far.
In Geography, the children enjoyed using an Atlas to locate different countries and their capital cities. We also sorted different places depending on if they were a physical feature (natural) or a human feature (manmade).
In BSL, the children have continued to count and use this with money.

In PSHE the children have been learning about germs and how to get rid of them!

This week, so far 20 children have taken an Accelerated  reader test. Please encourage your child to read regularly at home. If your child is ready for a quiz, we are encouraging them to put their book in the quiz box in the classroom.

Home learning so far this week: 28/30 children have completed their work this week. Well done to you, we are nearly at 100%!

Please help your child access their home learning challenges on Purple Mash each week.

Attendance: 96.67%

Star of the week: Imogen

Star Writer:Chibuokem

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