Autumn 1 Week 7

Date: 18th Oct 2024 @ 8:05am

This week, the children in Year 3 have been continuing to explore the book 'The Stone Age Boy'. They have been writing their own version of the story, pretending that they went back in time to the Stone Age. They have been exploring how to apply the new vocabulary they have learnt.

The children have also been thinking about their presentation and how they need their handwriting to be neat and clear across all the subjects.

In Topic, we explored Iron Age artefacts discovered by archeologists and we learnt about Iron Age hillforts. Ask your child to tell you about some of the things that made a hillfort well protected!

In Maths, the children have learnt about measurement. Ask your child if they can tell you how many millimetres are in 1 centimetre and how many centimetres are in 1 metre.

This week, so far 18 children have taken an Accerated reader test. Please encourage your child to read regularly at home. If your child is ready for a quiz, we are encouraging them to put their book in the quiz ready box in the classroom.

In BSL, the children have been recapping their a-z finger spelling and they have also been spelling words.

Home learning so far this week: 22/30 children have completed their work this week. Well done to you!

Please help your child access their home learning challenges on Purple Mash each week.

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