Autumn 2 - Week 1

Date: 6th Nov 2024 @ 9:06am

Take a look at Dazzling Dolphin’s learning this week...


In English this week, we have started a new unit of writing. We are aiming to write a fact file on the importance of the human skeleton. The children first looked at a human skeleton and worked in groups to piece it back together. Throughout the rest of the week, the children have been looking at the key vocabulary and features linking with fact files and the human body.


In Maths this week, children have been working on addition and subtraction. We have been using the column method to solve calculations. The children have been working really hard on their presentation during Math, by setting their work out neatly in their books.


We have started our first mini project for this half term, which is Science. Our mini project is called ‘Animal Nutrition and the Skeletal System’. The children have started looking at the human skeleton and human nutrition.

Writer of the week - Elsie

Weekly class percentage - 94.83%


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