Autumn 2 - Week 2
Date: 17th Nov 2023 @ 2:45pm
First of all, well done to Antonina for achieving Star Writer in Week 1 :)
The Dazzling Dolphins have had a great, short week at school this week!
We have been learning all about the different features of a letter and we have created some letter maps to help with our planning. Below is Alyssa's and Mila's fantastic work!
In Topic we have all been enjoying classifying animals by if they have an endoskeleton, exoskeleton or no skeleton!! The chidren have also been hands on with our new skeleton friend!! :)
Thursday was a different day as most children came in their PJs! Well done to everyone who took part and donated to Children In Need! We spent the afternoon learning about the work that Children In Need do and completed a range of different Pudsey activities.
Well done Dolphins for a great week, enjoy your 3 day weekend!