Autumn 2 Week 2
Date: 20th Nov 2023 @ 10:36am
It has been another busy week in Busy Bees class. We have continued learning about Myths in English, and we haven’t had anymore tricks from Loki in the classroom- yet! In Maths this week, we have been learning and practicing the written method we need to times a single digit number by a 2 digit number. We had a lot of fun exploring the mini project ‘Sound’ in Topic, and investigation how sound is made by exploring different instruments.
A huge congratulations to our Star of The Week- Layla! You have been working so hard and trying your hardest in every lesson, really well done!
Our star writer of the week was Jamie! Well done Jamie for trying really hard with your handwriting and for your creative sentence ideas.
Thank you Busy Bees for another amazing week!