Autumn 2 - Week 3
Date: 23rd Nov 2023 @ 2:40pm
Well done to Week 2's Star Writer - Kenzie!! Also well done to all of the Dazzling Dolphins for achieving Star of the Week as a class!
Week 3's Star Writer is Edward, well done! Star of the Week went to Jorjaia for pushing herself out of her comfort zone and trying her best! We are all very proud of you Jorjaia!
The Dolphins have been doing amazing in their Spanish lessons, we have all learnt to count to 10 this week.
In English we have been planning and starting to write letters to Mrs Ratcliff about starting a healthy tuck shop at school, the children have used lots of fantastic persuasive devices.
In our Art lesson we have been learning all about complementary colours and creating colour drops in our lovely new art journals, the dolphins thoroughly enjoyed using watercolours. Below are two super examples of our colour theory work, well done to Alex and Freya for an excellent effort.