Autumn 2 Week 3

Date: 23rd Nov 2023 @ 4:35pm

We have had another very busy week and have completed lots of super work!


In maths, we have worked very hard to master a pictorial method of multiplication and division. We have been solving problems that involved us having to select the appropriate method and explain our answers. Phoebe was able to solve some reasoning problems using her working out to prove her thinking- well done Phoebe! 


In English, we have been working on the first drafts of our new stories based on The Magic Porridge Pot. Khadija wrote this amazing sentence "A few moments later, the porridge began spilling out of the bowl and flooding through the woods". She made some excellent verb choices. 


This week we have been working on our mini topic 'Remarkable Recipes'. We had a very exciting afternoon learning how to follow a recipe to make banana split. We read the instructions carefully and used the appropriate tools to prepare our bananas. Our favourite instruction was probably number 6- 'enjoy your banana split!'

Here is a photo of a tasty banana split made by Lena. 
Banana Split.jpg



TBC - in tommorows assembly!!

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