Autumn 2 Week 4
Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 9:19am
This week in Maths, we have focussed our learning around finding one less. The children started by making a pretend class bus to see the Christmas light switch on. Each time we arrived at a bus stop, one child had to leave the bus. After that we had a go at drawing amounts on individual whiteboards and taking one away. By mid-week, we were using the number line to find one less. Elijah was very quick to point out "we must move down the number line to take one away".
In Literacy, we have read and explored the story of Little Red Riding Hood. The children had lots of fun pretending to be the Big Bad Wolf and even played a game on the interactive whiteboard to try and sneak through the forest. Luckily, we escaped unharmed!
Christmas is now officially on its way. We have begun to learn our new songs as 'the Kings' for the Christmas Nativity. Alongside learning the words, we are also trying to learn some BSL signs. We are very excited to show you what we have learnt. Well done Bears.
Star Award: Casey