Autumn 2 Week 4
Date: 1st Dec 2023 @ 6:33am
Take a look at what the Super Sharks have been learning this week...
In Maths, we have begun learning about fractions. We have learnt to use the words 'numerator' and 'denomintor' to describe the fractions we see. We have used this knowledge to help us recognise and find one half.
This week we have been working extremely hard to publish our stories. We have focussed on using our neatest cursive handwriting and produced illustrations to help entertain our audience.
We have started a new mini topic called 'Let's explore the world' and have been working as Geographers! We all really enjoyed learning to use an Atlas and find different countries and continents. Julia was thrilled to find her own country (Phillipines) when studying her atlas, well done Julia!
This week we have also been working extremely hard to complete our half termly assessments. Well done Super Sharks, we are very proud of you!
Star of the week - Filip
Star Writer- Phoebe