Autumn 2 Week 4

Date: 29th Nov 2024 @ 10:09am

In Maths this week, we have started learning about Fractions. We first did a practical lesson identifying tenths and hundredths. The children learnt what an equivalent fraction is and then used their times tables to find them. Finally, this week we have been finding factions of an amount. 

In English we have started looking at Myths. The children have learnt that they will be writing a myth for Mackworth local library. We have started looking at features that make a good myth and designing our heroes and villains. 

In Topic, we been learning about compass points, grid references and The Tropics as part of our Interconnected world mini project. 

In RE, we have been learning about Christingle and that it symbolises that Jesus is the ‘Light of the Word’. 

In PE, we have been continuing with our Tennis lessons. This week we concentrated on a two-handed backhand.  





Star of the Week – Well done Coby, you show a mature attitude to your learning and always try hard even when you find things tricky. 

Star Writer – Well done Jemima, for writing an excellent Viking Newpaper Report 

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