Autumn 2 Week 6
Date: 15th Dec 2023 @ 5:10pm
We have had another very busy week in the Sharks class.
In maths, we have been learning how to read and interpret data. We have learnt how to use the data we collect in a tally chart and present this as a pictogram. Riley did an excellent job of referring to the key on each pictogram and ensure each picture represented the correct amount. Well done!
In English, we have been busy writing our letters to the giants. We have included lots of information about deforestation to inform the giants about how their actions are damaging our planet. Jack formed some excellent sentences and managed to include a question in his letter.
In topic this week, we have started our new mini project called ‘Still Life’. We enjoyed exploring our own mini art gallery in the classroom. We looked at art from lots of different artist and had a go at sketching our favourite piece.
Our Star of the Week this week was Riley for his amazing attitude towards learning.
Our Star Writer was Filip for working hard to improve his handwriting and presentation.