Autumn 2 Week 7
Date: 20th Dec 2024 @ 11:26am
In English this week, the children have been publishing their persuasive letter to Mrs Ratcliff about how school dinners and packed lunches could be improved. They worked hard on their handwriting to create a well presented piece of work.
In Maths, the children learned how to answer questions about data in the form of bar charts, tally charts and tables.
We did a lovely Art project this week, where the children learned about analogous and complementary colours. They used watercolours to create a final piece of artwork using these colours.
In RE, the children discussed the true meaning of Christmas and what gift they'd give to the world to make it a better place to live.
On Thursday, the children had a lovely, festive day in their Christmas jumpers and even got to meet Santa!
The children have home learning tasks set for the first week back after the holiday, including a Topic project to make a volcano. Please support your children in completing their home learning tasks and continue to read as much as you can.
Have a lovely, festive period!