Bears Spring 1, Week 1
Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 8:21am
Take a look at the Brilliant Bears learning this week...
In Maths, we are learning to identify smaller numbers within a whole number. We used beanbags to find different ways of making 5 using two groups of numbers. We then used our ‘toyshop’ to move onto numbers up to 10. We chose a number and explored the different ways we could put this amount of toys onto the shelves e.g. 8 toys – 3 on one shelf, 1 on another and 4 on the third shelf.
In Literacy, we are reading ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’. We talked about the story being from a long time ago and talked about the similarities and differences between then and now. Then, we had a go at writing a party invitation to our choice of unusual guest.
To introduce our new topic ‘Long Ago’ we invited Mrs Walker in to talk about her experiences as a child and how they are different to now. Mrs Walker explained that school was very different and much stricter than it is today. When a teacher walked into the classroom, all of the children had to stand up!
For craft this week, we have rolled marbles through orange and black paint over a template of a tiger to create its stripes.
Brilliant Bears class attendance - 88.46%