Bears Summer 1 Week 6

Date: 23rd May 2024 @ 8:55am

In Literacy, Reception have been reading a book called ‘Snail Trail’.  The book follows a snail who goes on a massive adventure which turns out to be a tour of the garden (from his perspective).  The children enjoyed the story and shared their ideas about where they would go on an adventure.  We then used this book as a hook for our weekly writing.  Tare had some great ideas for his own adventure including visiting our school forest.  A great place to start Tare!
In Maths, the children have been revisiting work on number e.g. doubles, sharing and subitising.  We used a fantastic interactive PowerPoint this week where the children had to solve puzzles and move the correct answers into place.  Some of our favourite puzzles included sharing cakes for the bears and halving bamboo for the pandas!
Reception have really enjoyed our PE lessons this week.  We took care to master some lovely yoga poses following our Yogabugs program and then spent time practising the skill of skipping outdoors.
The children have worked really hard this half term and I am really proud of each and everyone of them.  As you will see below, all of the Bears won the star award this week.  This was for looking after the butterflies so well as a team.
I hope you enjoy your half term break and fingers crossed we get some sunshine to have our own adventures. Take care everybody and I will see you on the 3rd June.
Star Award: All of the Bears
Attendance Percentage:

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