Brilliant Bears Summer 2 Week 2

Date: 13th Jun 2024 @ 8:42am

In Literacy, Reception have been reading all about the ‘African Savannah’.  The children have learnt many facts this week about the animals that belong to this grass land habitat.  Dottie told me that "a Lion has a mane to protect itself when fighting with others in the pride".  Well done Dottie a fantastic fact to remember!  Using our research the children went on to record their own memorable facts in their writing.
In Maths, the children have been learning to count in groups of two.  We started the week by exploring our hundred interactive square.  The children highlighted the twos to ten and we discussed what patterns we saw e.g. even numbers highlighted and each number jumping up in two.  Following this we created Noah’s ark and the children physically loaded animals (into the boat two by two) and sang the song.  Later in the week, the children completed missing number lines and counted blocks in twos.
Reception have really enjoyed working on their whole school Science week project, linked to ‘Time’.  Our focus was animal metamorphosis and animal adaptation.   The children were able to link their learning back to the lifecycle work we covered in Spring term and were tasked with creating a moth which could be hung in a natural habitat e.g. our school forest.  The Bears were extremely creative and used lots of cut up brown feathers, colouring crayons, glue and string to make some really super Moths.  They are now hanging from our forest trees and we will be able to see them every Friday on our weekly visits.
Well done everybody a busy and successful week!
Star Award: Yazn
Weekly Attendance Percentage:93.23%

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