Brilliant Butterflies Summer 2 Week 1

Date: 6th Jun 2024 @ 8:54am

A big welcome back to all the Butterflies. We have had a fantastic first week back :)

The Butterflies have been introduced to our new topics 'Big Wide World' and 'Splash' They have enjoyed going on different journeys in their new train station roleplay and visiting a Spanish beach in the small world. 

In Literacy, the Butterflies have explored the story 'Little Red and the Hungry Lion'. This story is set in Africa and has close links to 'Little Red Riding Hood' The children enjoyed noticing the similarities and differences between the two stories. Lily noticed that it was Little Red's Auntie who was poorly but in Little Red Riding Hood it was the Grandma. The children extended their learning about lions by watching Andy's Safari adventures. Eddie noticed the male lion had a mane but the female lion did not. 

In Maths, we have been looking at pattern in number. We used the large blocks to show this by building towers of blocks from numbers 0 to 10. Michael noticed that the towers looked like steps and he was able to predict what a tower of 11 blocks would look like. We moved on to looking at missing numbers in a numberline. Well done to Chizurum for spotting these! 

The children have enjoyed creating a special card for Father's Day. They are very excited to give these to their special person :) 

Weekly attendance - 


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