Brilliant Butterflies Summer 2 Week 2

Date: 13th Jun 2024 @ 8:45am

The Brilliant Butterflies have had another fun packed week! 

In Literacy, we have been learning about animals that live in the African Savannah. We learnt lots of interesting facts about giraffes, lions, gazelles and many more. Eddie was able to tell us his own facts too! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us :)  The Butterflies used this as inspiration to write their own fact sheet. Well done Butterflies. You all worked so hard on these! 

In Maths, Reception have been learning how to count in 2s. We used the 100 square splat game to highlight the 2 times table. Noah quickly noticed the pattern emerging and identified they are even numbers - well done Noah! We then enjoyed learning a counting in 2's song up to 30. The week continued with us practically using our counting in 2s knowledge to count the animals onto Noah's Ark two by two. 

This week has been Science week. The Butterflies fully emersed themselves in this. We investigated how animals adapt to their environments. We decorated our own moths and used these to play a game. The teacher was the ‘predator’ hunting the Moths. The children flew their moths around and when they heard ‘predator’ the children put their moths on a surface. If they could be seen, they were out. The children noticed their moths were hidden when they landed on a grey surface. 

Thank you Butterflies for working so hard all week :) 

Star of the week - David 

Weekly attendance % - 95%

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