Busy Bees Summer 2 Week 1

Date: 6th Jun 2024 @ 10:10am

In Maths lessons this week, Bees Class have been working really hard at practicing ALL our times tables, ready for our multiplication check! Later on in the week, we looked at how to solve reasoning problems by using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  

In English this week, Bees Class have started learning all about Biographies. On Monday, we received a video message from Tutankhamun asking us to write abut his life and not just his death. For this reason, we have been looking at what makes a good biography and what features we need to use in a biography.  

Other Subjects
This week in Topic we have started our new mini project ‘Electrical Circuits and Conductors’. We have had a lot of fun exploring how circuits work and the components we need to make a circuit. We have also practiced drawing scientific diagrams for series circuits.


Our Star Writer of the week this week is Thea, for super handwriting!

Our attendance for the week is… 92%


Thank you Busy Bees for another busy but great first week back!

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