Butterflies Autumn 1 Week 4

Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 10:52am

Take a look at the Brilliant Butterflies learning this week... 


Reception have been exploring the school and its school grounds. We visited different members of staff to find out what their role is and how they help us in school. 

Write Dance 

This week's Write Dance was called 'Krongelidong' We moved in and out of spots on the carpet in time to the music. We then used our fingers to dance on the paper, moving onto using a crayon when we were ready. It was really intersting to see the different shapes we created. 


As a school, we celebrated 'Global School Day' We had a special assembly in the hall where we learnt a simple song that taught us to be proud of where we come from. We shared the story 'Coming to England' as a class. This told the story of Floella Benjamin's journey to England from Trinidad and Tobago when she was 10 years old. We finished the day with a talk from our special visitor who told us all about her own journey from Morocco to England. 

Star of the Week- Brilliant Butterflies 

Brilliant Butterflies' class attendance -   

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