Butterflies Spring 2 Week 2
Date: 5th Mar 2025 @ 7:55am
Take a look at the Brilliant Butterflies' learning this week...
IIn Maths, we are learning to subitise. We showed numbers up to 5 on our fingers. First, we practiced ‘grow’ then ‘show’, to count up to a number. Then, we moved onto ‘throw’, showing the number straight away. We finished the week by playing a ladybird game. We had to say how many spots we could see without counting them! (subitise) Well done to Connor for quickly recognising the amount :)
In Literacy, we read the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We talked about what happened to the caterpillar and what might happen to our own caterpillars! For our writing task, we had a go at generating our own sentences to describe the caterpillars. Well done to Taron for giving a super description :)
In Topic, we had a very exciting delivery: caterpillars! We talked about what they looked like and what they might need. Over the next few weeks, we will work as a team to look after them and observe how they change.
Star of the Week- Harriet
Brilliant Butterflies' class attendance -