Butterflies Spring 2 Week 3

Date: 12th Mar 2025 @ 8:06am

Take a look at the Brilliant Butterflies' learning this week...


In Maths, we are learning to subtract. We practiced counting a number of objects, then subtracting some away. Then, we had to count how many were left to find the answer. Well done to Ada-Grace for showing a good understanding of this. She cmpleted lots of subtraction number sentences independently  :) 


In Literacy, we read ‘Signs of Spring’. We discussed that this was a non-fiction text. The text helped us to learn about changes that happen in Spring. For our writing task, we had a go at generating our own sentences to describe the signs of Spring we saw on our Spring Walk. Well done to Eris who used her phonic skills to correctly write the sounds she could hear :) 


In Topic, we went on a Spring Walk. With a partner, we looked out for signs of spring, such as buds and flowers. We used a checklist to help us.


Star of the Week- Jessica 

Brilliant Butterflies' class attendance -  


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