Butterflies Summer 1 Week 6

Date: 23rd May 2024 @ 8:53am

What another busy week we have had in the Butterflies! 

In Literacy, we have explored the story 'Snail Trail' It follows a snail as he goes on his travels around a busy garden, leaving his silvery trail behind him. We used this story to inspire our writing and thought about where the snail would go in our own story. Brody showed great imagination as he wrote about his snail visiting the inside of a shoe and a glove!. We watched 'The Snail and the Whale' and the children were very excited when they noticed silvery trails left by the snail in this story. 

In Maths, the children have been revisiting work on number. E.g doubles, odd and even numbers and different quantities. The children demonstrated a great understanding of these concepts. Chizurum wowed us with this and noticed that each time you double a number, it is always an even number - Well done! 

In PE, the children enjoyed learning how to skip. The children did not give up, and were very proud of themselves when they got it! The children continued to practise this independently whilst using our early years garden. Well done Butterflies! 

Enjoy a restful week off. Let's hope for some sunshine! We look forward to seeing you on your return on Monday 3rd June :) 

Star of the week - Etta

Weekly attendance - 

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