Butterflies Summer 2 Week 7

Date: 18th Jul 2024 @ 8:14am

And so, we have come to the end of our Reception journey. And what a fabulous year it has been! 

We are so proud of each and everyone of the Brilliant Butterflies. They have developed great resilience and will always keep on trying until they get there! A much needed quality for the move up to Year 1. 

All the children have developed lovely bonds with each other, which we hope they keep all the way through Reigate! 

Thank you Parents and Carers for your support this year. We could not have done it without you.

Miss Harrison and Mrs Walker will truly miss you all. 

Have a wonderful Summer all....Let's hope for some much needed sunshine! 

Star of the week - All of thr 'Brilliant' Butterflies! :) 

Weekly attendance percentage - 98.67%


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