Butterflies Week 1

Date: 7th Nov 2024 @ 1:08pm

Take a look at the Brilliant Butterflies' learning this week... 


In Maths this week, we have been learning to find the number that is  '1 more' We went on an imaginary bus journey to see the fireworks. As we stopped at each bus stop, '1 more' passenger got on. We counted how many passesngers were now on the bus to find the number 1 more. We practised using our fingers to find the number '1 more'  This helped us to find the answer independently. Well done to Margot for using her fingers correctly to find 1 more :) 



In English this week, we have explored the story 'Sparks in the Sky' This is about a little girl called Bo, who is visiting a fireworks display with her family for the first time. Bo was very excited and was mesmorised by the beautiful colours and different noises created by the fireworks. We were excited to tell the teachers about the fireworks we had seen with our own families. We then had snack sat around our own mini bonfire in our Forest School area. 


As an introduction to our new topic 'Marvellous Machines' we watched a short video explaining what different marvellous machines there are and what their job is. We talked about the different marvellous machines we have in our own homes and then went on a walk around the school to find some more marvellous machines. We spotted a computer, hand dryers, interactive board and even the school lift! 


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