Cheetahs Class Autumn 1 Week 2

Date: 12th Sep 2024 @ 9:00pm

Take a look at what Cheerful Cheetahs class have been learning this week ...

In English, we have been working hard on the features of a good sentence and using what we have learnt to write our sentences using capital letters, finger space and full stops. Well done to Harriet for identifying the features needed in her writing.

In maths, we have looked at counting forwards and backwards to 10 and then to 20. Well done to Melissa as she did some fantastic counting to get the answers correct.

In our topic we have been looking at natural and human materials. We have identified items in our classroom and worked out what materials they were made out of. Did you know that glass was made out of sand!

Well done to our 'Star of the Week' this week which was Julian. He has had a fantastic week and worked really well in all of his subjects and is working independently in maths, well done!

Well done to our 'Star Writer' who is Simeon this week. He wrote a fantastic piece of work independently. I was super impressed, well done!


Class attendance: 94.96%

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