Cheetahs Spring 2 Week 1
Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 3:20pm
Take a look at what Cheerful Cheetahs class have been learning this week ...
In English, we have been learning about Samuel Pepys who was alive during the Great Fire of London. We have been learning lots of facts about him and we were incredibly shocked to learn that he buried his cheese and wine to save them from the fire. We have been learning about what questions are in English, and we have composed our own questions that we would have liked to ask Samuel Pepys. Well done to Thea-Ivy for wanting to find out where Samuel Pepys went to live during the fire.
In maths we have been focusing on counting in tens and ones. We have learnt that by grouping numbers it makes it easier to count rather than counting in ones. We have also learnt how we can use different strategies to help us when we are adding two numbers together. Well done to Callie who did an excellent job using her ruler as a number line.
In our topic we have been learning about the differences between deciduous and evergreen trees. We learnt that evergreen trees have needle shaped leaves and do not lose their leaves in the winter months. We learnt that deciduous trees have leaves that change colour and these leaves start to fall off during the Autumn months.
Star Writer – Well done to Chizurum for excellent handwriting and punctuation.
Class attendance –96%