Cheetahs Summer 1 Week 6

Date: 23rd May 2024 @ 4:31pm

Take a look at what Cheerful Cheetahs class have been learning this week ...

In English, we have been publishing our final pieces about how we would build a school. We have had some fantastic ideas, such as a room that teleports you home instead of having to walk. I especially liked Mohammed’s idea of where you could get into a silver aeroplane and it would get you to Saudi Arabia in 10 minutes!

In maths we have revisited our position and directions unit. We looked at turning different objects a quarter turn, half turn, three quarter turn and full turn. Well done to Joel who did a great job describing the turns.

Well done to our 'Star of the Week' which is Henry. Henry has been working really hard in all his phonics lessons and has been doing an excellent job using his phoneme fingers to sound out the words and blend them together, well done!

Our star writer this week is Zina, who has been working hard in her published writing and her handwriting lessons.


Class attendance: 87.93

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