Cheetahs Summer 2 Week 4

Date: 28th Jun 2024 @ 8:28am

Take a look at what Cheerful Cheetahs class have been learning this week ...

In English, we have been publishing our final Supertato stories with a beginning, middle and end. IvyRose has been working really hard on her draft piece and came up with some lovely ideas. The front covers of our book look fantastic, we have some super artists! Kalina did an excellent front cover, well done!

In maths we have revisited our division and fraction units. We looked at using sharing circles to work out our division and fraction problems. Well done to Hunter who completed his work independently.

In our ‘animal parts topic’ we have been looking at the different classes of animals and grouping them. We have also looked at what different animals eat and sorted them into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Well done to Caelan for his fantastic knowledge and use of vocabulary.

Well done to our 'Star of the Week' which is Chijindu, who has been working incredibly hard in all areas of her work. She has produced some excellent pieces of work and her artwork looks great, well done!

Our star writer this week is Codi, who has been working hard on his handwriting, well done!


Class attendance: 92.92%

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