Cheetahs Summer 2 Week 5
Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 3:49pm
Take a look at what Cheerful Cheetahs class have been learning this week ...
In English, we have been have been looking at animal fact-files. We have been learning all about the different features that a fact-file has. We have enjoyed looking at the different features and what they mean. We have also looked at plurals and learnt that a plural means more than one! We then practised using s and -es on the end of different animals to make the plural. Thomas made a great effort to use these independently.
In maths we have revisited time and looked at o’clock and half-past. We used our clocks to make different times using both half-past and o’clock. Well done to Abigail for successfully showing each correct time.
In our ‘animal parts topic’ we have been conducting an experiment on whether snails prefer a wet or dry environment. We made a prediction that we thought they would prefer a wet environment as we see lots of snails when it rains. We found a snail and conducted our experiment using a tray and a placed a wet and dry paper towel on opposite sides. We then placed the snail in-between both and left it for 10 minutes. The results supported our prediction that snails prefer wet environments as the snail chose the wet paper to lay on.