Cheetahs Summer 2 Week 6

Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 6:21pm

Take a look at what Cheerful Cheetahs class have been learning this week…

In PE we have been practising for our sports day. We have all done an excellent job at running our races. Well done to Hunter who threw the javelin a really long way.

In Topic, we have started our Art project, which focuses on street views. We have looked at the artist James Rizzi and compared his different pieces and discussed what we liked about them. We then chose a piece to recreate for ourselves using pencils, pencil crayons, pastel chalks and marker pens. We have some very excellent artists in Cheetah's class! Henry did a fantastic recreation of Rizzi's work, well done!

In maths we have revisted measure. We have consolidated our learning using rulers for length and height. We have also compared mass our mathmatical vocabulary. Well done to IvyRose who did an excellent job to compare mass and Joel did a fantastic job using a ruler to measure the length and height of items.

Well done to out Star of the Week this week which was Zina! She consistently tries hard in all of her subjects, excellent job!

Well done to Madelyn for achieving Star Writer this week. She has been working really hard on improving her cursive handwriting, well done!

Class Attendance 92.08%



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