Cheetahs Summer 2 Week 7

Date: 18th Jul 2024 @ 4:55pm

Take a look at what Cheerful Cheetahs class have been learning this week ...

In English, we have been publishing our final pieces on animal fact files. We chose an animal and then wrote detailed sentences on what the animal looks like, where they live, what they eat and then wrote some fun facts. We used all of the features of a fact file including a title, subtitles and fantastic pictures to go with our facts. We also used question marks and exclamation marks in our writing. Well done to Emily for her fantastic colourful pictures and great writing.

In maths we have revisited 2D and 3D shapes. We have identified the features of each shape and also looked at shape patterns and worked out what would come next in the sequence. Well done to Isabelle for being a fantastic independent learner.

In our art topic we have learnt about the artist ‘James Rizzi’. We have been learning about ‘form’ which is a techniques that he used to create his 3D images. We then recreated our own pieces of art using this technique. Well done to Harrison and Kalina for some lovely pieces of artwork.

Well done to our 'Stars of the Week' which are Harrison, Thomas and IvyRose. Harrison has been working incredibly hard in all of his subjects. IvyRose has done excellent maths work on 2D and 3D shapes and Thomas has been working incredibly hard in English.

Our star writer this week is Abigail, who has been working hard on her handwriting, well done!


Class attendance: 98.62%

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