Clever Koalas - Spring 1 - Week 3

Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 4:51pm

A huge congratulations to Ollie for being awarded Star of the Week this week! Ollie has really been trying his absolute best to have a great start to 2025, he has been working particularly hard in maths and is always super excited to share his work with adults in the classroom. Well done Ollie you should be very proud of yourself!

Well done to Rykie-Jai for receiving Star Writer this week, he has drafted a fantastic diary entry this week for the Farm Boy and has been working well to improve his handwriting. 

In Topic this week we have continued our Sow, Grow and Farm theme, we have been learning about farming in the UK and the impact of modern farming on everything involved.  On Thursday we conducted some research about Jersey Royal potatoes and in pairs created our own information posters using PowerPoint.  The children enjoyed exploring the programme and using their problem solving skills to insert text, images and change the layout, well done Koalas!

I PE this week the joy of badminton continued – the Koalas are fully embracing the racket and shuttlecock and trying their best to improve their skills. Mrs McIlroy had a head to head against Rykie-Jai and unfortunately for Mrs McIlroy (due to her great teaching) Rykie-Jai won!! 😊

In English this week we have starting drafting our diaries using our maps from last week and our knowledge of the Farm Boy text.  The children have all used a superb range of language and are looking forward to publishing them in best next week!


Class Attendance = 90.42%


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