Clever Koalas - Spring 2 - Week 2
Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 4:55pm
Firstly, a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Finley for achieving Star of the Week this week. Finley was awarded this for consistently trying his best across all subjects. He participates in all lessons and asks a range of very well thought out questions – especially in Science! Keep it up Finley!
Well done to Riley for being awarded Star Writer this week, Riley worked hard on his handwriting when publishing his diary from Farm Boy, well done Riley!
In English this week we have began drafting our chronological report about the stages of human life. The Koalas are using their knowledge from science lessons and Whole Class Reading to inform their information paragraphs. The children have particularly enjoyed learning about adolescence and the changes their bodies are going to go through to become an adult.
This week in Science, we have focused our learning on mammals and what characteristics are needed for a mammal. The children all chose an animal to draw, define if it was a mammal or non-mammal and provide evidence of how they knew. They produced some excellent drawings and also some super explanations of what makes a mammal!
On Thursday this week we celebrated World Book Day in school, thank you to everyone for all their fantastic effort. It began with everyone sharing who they had come dressed up as and giving each other clues on their characters, we then completed several activities throughout the day. Thank you to everyone who created their own toilet roll character, these looked fantastic! Another thank you to all the adults who came into school in the afternoon to share a book with the children and complete our quiz! A great day was had by all!
We continued PE on Friday afternoon with Silas our sports coach – the koalas completed their second session of tag rugby. The children are thoroughly enjoying this topic and are showing some excellent skills and resilience already. A big well done to KC for his superb agility during the warmup games and winning every game!
Have a lovely weekend!
Class Attendance = 95.86%