Clever Koalas - Spring 2 - Week 3

Date: 14th Mar 2025 @ 10:30am

We begin with a big CONGRATULATIONS to Sienna for achieving Star of the Week this week.  Sienna was chosen this week for her excellent work in maths – she has been adding, multiplying and converting fractions with great confidence.  This award is also for all of the challenges she faced recently, which has she done with a smile on her face!

Well done to Ruth for being awarded Star Writer this week.  Ruth focussed hard on her newspaper report and showed some excellent handwriting, well done!!

In RE this term we have been focusing on Christianity and how important Easter is to Christians.  This week all of the children created their own palm leaf donkey to represent the journey Jesus went on when people laid palm leaves on his path.

Topic this week has had an Art focus, we have been learning all about Natures light and using natural materials to create different art forms.  The koalas have used sketching to explore a range of materials including leaves, sticks and pebbles.  On Thursday afternoon we worked outside with the penguins to create our own low relief sculptures, see some examples of these below. Well done to Emmanuella for her great teamwork with Kourtney and to Lakeshia and Florence!

Enjoy your weekend!

Class Attendance = 95.79%

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