Clever Koalas - Spring 2 - Week 4

Date: 21st Mar 2025 @ 10:31am

Firstly a big CONGRATULATIONS to Francesca for achieving the Star of the Week this week – she was presented with this due to always putting in 100% in all of her subjects and showing us her fun personality!

Well done to Logan for being awarded Star Writer this week for his excellent report on the human life cycle.   

In English this week we have been focusing on our descriptive language in preparation for writing a setting description next week.  The koalas have been exploring a range of figurative language and using our senses to explain everything in detail to the reader.

Our topic this half term for Spanish is the Olympics, the children are thoroughly enjoying this.  This week we have practised saying which sports we do and do not take part in – please ask your children to tell you some!

Next week we are going to be focusing on Design and Technology skills, linked to our Sow, Grow and Farm topic.  On Tuesday we will be completing a taste test on different colour peppers and discussing why they are different. Please return your consent forms if you are happy for your child to participate in this.

On Friday this week we have been supporting Red Nose Day in school – the children have been wearing red and have brought in some donations for this great cause. Thank to everyone for taking part!

Another thank you to everyone for attending parents evening this week, both Mrs McIlroy and Mrs Dewsbury really enjoy seeing you all and discussing how fabulous the Clever Koalas are. 


Have a lovely weekend!

Class Attendance = 93.28%

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