Clever Koalas - Spring 2 - Week 5
Date: 28th Mar 2025 @ 9:27am
CONGRATULATIONS to Zaiden for being chosen to receive Star of the Week this week – Zaiden has been working hard on focusing well during class discussions and ensuring he is paying close attention. Due to this he has been making some excellent contributions, also giving great and in-depth explanations – well done Zaiden!
Well done to Layla for being awarded Star Writer this week - she has written an excellent report on the human life cycle and has been working extra hard on improving her handwriting.
This week started with our termly assessments – which involves a lot of concentration and effort from all of the koalas! Well done to everyone for trying their absolute best and improving their marks from our last set in December. We are all (Mrs Dewsbury, Mrs McIlroy and Mrs Fox) very proud of you!
On Tuesday we completed a taste test on different colour peppers and discussed why they are different. All of the koalas loved taking part in this – some of them rtying raw pepper for the first time! Yellow and orange peppers definitely came out as the tastiest and most popular colours.
On Thursday this week we had the pleasure of FURY from Gladiators coming into our school and signing copies of her new book for us! Fury (Jodie Ounsley) told everyone all about her childhood, her career in professional rugby and how she came to be Gladiator and now an author. During her talk we all got an opportunity to discuss our own dreams and start to think about a plan of how we are going to get there. It was a very inspirational talk and everyone in KS2 thoroughly enjoyed it. Well done to Francesca for being brave and asking her a question in front of everyone. Also, well done to the BSL ambassadors in our class – Sienna and Julia – for also talking to Fury.
We hope you all have a restful weekend and are ready for the last week of Spring term next week!
Class Attendance = 94.68%