Dazzling Dolphins - Summer 1 - Week 5
Date: 16th May 2024 @ 1:27pm
A big congratulations to Nelly for achieving Star of Week this week, she has really been trying her best with all subjects and focussing hard to improve her learning! A big well done!!
Congratulations to Eli for being awarded Star Writer!
Unfortunately the weather this week has not been as sunny as last weekend, however here is hoping that sunshine arrives soon at Reigate!
In Maths this week the children have been looking at long multiplication! The Dolphin’s layout and presentation of their work has been fantastic, helping with their understanding. We have found that everyone is struggling with the accuracy of their times tables, please practise these at home either on TT Rockstars or writing them out on paper.
In Whole Class Reading this week we have been reading a Roman Newspaper and learning all about the different types of gladiators and the colosseum. The Dolphins have found this very interesting and enjoyed some of the gruesome facts!
On Monday’s in P.E the children are currently having an external sports coach from Soccer Stars teaching them a range athletics. The Dolphin’s are showing their competitive sides and showing good sportsman ship! A big shout out to Hassan and Mila for their PE skills.
Dazzling Dolphins Class Attendance = 93.1%