Dazzling Dolphins - Summer 2 - Week 1

Date: 6th Jun 2024 @ 12:57pm

Firstly, a big welcome back to the Dazzling Dolphins as we start our last half term in Year 3 together! We hope everyone had a fantastic week off and enjoyed some of the little sunshine we had!

Huge congratulations to Lexi for being awarded Star Writer!

In English this week we have published our final newspaper reports from last half term! Some of these are fantastic, a big well done to Reuben, Corey and Theodore for their excellent effort in improving their handwriting! (See their reports below).  We have now started learning all about myths, have been exploring different myths and investigating the range of features we are going to include in our own.  

The Dolphins have made a brilliant start in Maths this week – learning all about mass, capacity and volume. Some of the worded problems have been tricky and the children have been working hard to read them carefully.

In Topic we have started a Science project on Plant Nutrition and Reproduction, the children have loved beginning an investigation into the stems in plants. The investigation will continue for a few days, please ask your children to explain what we are doing and the results when we find them out!

Well done to everyone for a great first week back!

Dazzling Dolphins Class Attendance = 94.59%

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