Dazzling Dolphins - Summer 2 - Week 4

Date: 27th Jun 2024 @ 12:04pm

Firstly, lets start by saying a huge congratulations to Kyle for achieving Star of Week this week, we chose Kyle this week for working particularly hard in Science.  He always has questions to ask and has been really focussed on his learning.  Well done Kyle!

Another congratulations to Darcy for being awarded Star Writer!

This week in PE the children have been putting their tag rugby skills into practise. Mrs Miller was very, very impressed with everyone’s sportsmanship and listening skills. A big well done to Kenzie for really standing out and doing so well!!

We have finished our Science work on light and shadows, the Dazzling Dolphins have really enjoyed this topic and we have completed some fantastic investigations. Please ask your children all about shadows and test if they can tell you why they are formed, if it is sunny (fingers crossed) please go outside and discuss why shadows change shape during the day.

In English the Dolphins have started publishing their myths, these stories are definitely the best they have written all year and really showcase some of the skills they have learnt during year 3. See some fantastic examples below from Darcy, Afolarin and Alyssa.

We have our class trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park next week – Wednesday 3rd and we cannot wait. Please remember to send your child with a packed lunch if school is not providing one, also lots to drink, a hat and suncream if the weather is hot! Waterproof jackets please if rain is forecast!

Dazzling Dolphins Class Attendance = 98.67%

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