Dazzling Dolphins - Summer 2 - Week 7

Date: 18th Jul 2024 @ 1:07pm

Congratulations to our Star of the Week this week Darcy – she has only recently joined our class and has been an amazing addition. Darcy has already made some good friends and is confidently contributing in class discussions.

Another congratulations to Kyle for being awarded Star Writer!

The Dolphins started this week in English by deciding on a set in instructions they would like to write for our school library. We have all chosen a different type of food to write about, including pizzas, pies, smoothies and cakes.

In Maths this week the children have been interpreting a range of data from tally charts, pictograms and bar charts. We are becoming very confident with reading the different data and answering tricky questions on it.

On Wednesday we had a very busy day in class, we began the morning with Sports Day, thank you so much to everyone who was able to attend and support your children with their events. The Dolphins really enjoyed the morning, they loved being outside in the sunshine and watching everyone compete. Afolarin said ‘I enjoyed winning the 100m sprint!’ and Mila explained ‘It was so nice when it was your event and everyone was cheering for you.’ Jago would like to say ‘thank you to all the parents and carers for coming!’ Well done Dolphins!  In the afternoon we had our last Forest School session, we had hot chocolate warmed up on the campfire and a biscuit to accompany it! It was all very yummy!

That is the end of our blogs for Year 3, the next blog you will read will be in September when the Dolphins will be in Year 4 and they will be the Wonderful Woodpeckers!

One last thankyou from myself and Mrs Miller to everyone for all your support this year.

Good luck in Year 4 Dolphins, we have no doubt you will all continue to be amazing!

Mrs Dewsbury 😊



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