Dazzling Dolphins - Summer 2 - Week 6

Date: 11th Jul 2024 @ 3:18pm

Congratulations to our Star of the Week this week - Lexi, she has been a superstar during the whole of Year 3, she is always willing to help adults and her peers in the classroom. She has also been working very hard on her writing this half term - resulting in her writing a fantastic Roman myth.  Well done Lexi!    

Another congratulations to Kenzie for being awarded Star Writer!

The Dolphins started the week with completing their mosaics from Friday’s Art lesson.  The children have working so well with designing and then creating their own mosaics, they have definitively learnt how to be patient when creating art with such small pieces of material. Nelly said 'It has taken us a long time, but we have tried out hardrest'. See Disha’s finished mosaic below and Edward’s design alongside his final piece!

In Forest School this week children learnt the skill whittling by making their own pencils from a stick. They first found a stick which was the correct length then put some gloves on.  They all sensibly used a knife to sharpen the end of the stick into a point. Next Wednesday is our last Forest School, please remember your wellies / outdoor shoes as we will be enjoying a campfire together!

Unfortunately, this week we had to cancel Sports Day because of the wet weather, fingers crossed this will go ahead on Wednesday next week and that the sun shines so we can all enjoy this day.

Only one full week left in Year 3 ☹

Dazzling Dolphins Class Attendance = 90.37%

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