Gazelles Autumn 1 Week 4

Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 7:08am

This week we have continued to read the book "The Three Little Pigs".The children have been brilliant at using the role play resources to act out the story and are fantastic at the repeated refrains.

In Maths the children have been doing lots of counting using different resources.We have used bricks to build a house then counted how many we used and we have used the whiteboard to match the amount of spots on the Ladybird to the numeral.

The children have been practising writing their name everyday.

In Phonics we have been clapping out syllables,for example, Ele-e-phant,Ti-ger.

Well done to all the children in the Nursery,you have all worked really hard this week.

This weeks Star of the week is Ayvah-Rose.

 Ayvah -Rose has been an excellent role model to the new children. Well done.

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