Gazelles Summer 1 week 5

Date: 16th May 2024 @ 7:41am

This week we have been looking at the book "Mad About Minibeast" The children have loved using the magnifying glasses to look at all the details on the bugs.They have been sorting them into different categories. For example wings,no wings,legs,no legs.

In Maths they have been counting out lots of bugs and matching them to numerals and sorting different sized bugs from biggest to smallest.

We have also been painting some Minibeasts and we definitely think we have some future artist in the Nursery.

On Tuesday we were joined by some of the parents on a bug hunt in the Forest School. We had a brilliant time looking for lots of different Minibeasts. The children were absolutely brilliant at finding them and their behaviour was impeccable.

Another fantastc week in the Nursery. Well done eveyone.


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