Growing Gazelles Autumn 1 Week 3

Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 8:00am

Another lovely week for the Nursery.The new children are settling in really well and finding their way around the Nursery.

This week we have been looking at the story"The Three Little Pigs". The children have enjoyed acting out the story using  role play masks of the characters.Olson has especially enjoyed being the wolf.

We also took their learning outside,with me pretending to be the wolf and the children using diffrerent areas as the little pigs houses.The children were really good at using the repeat refrains within the story.

The children have also been practising their cutting skills and have been using the scissors to cut out the characters from the story.

Well done to Florence for being our star of the week.

A big well done to all the children for a lovely week.



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