Meerkats Spring 1 w6
Date: 13th Feb 2025 @ 8:32am
This week the Marvellous Meerkats have been busy finishing off their English and Topic work before half term.
In History the children have written and published a Newspaper report about the sinking of the Titanic. Some children have chosen to use the i-pad to publish their work, like a real journalist.
In English we have been writing persuasive letters to the Prime Minister. After learning about Climate Change and the effects it is having on our planet, the children have used their writing skills to try and persuade him that this needs to be addressed.
The Marvellous Meerkats have been revising some of their angle and shape knowledge this week - check if they know the degrees of a triangle and a quadrilateral?
Star of the week - Isabella
Star writer - Charlotte
Class attendance - 96.33%