Meerkats Spring 2 week 3

Date: 13th Mar 2025 @ 2:41pm

This week the Marvellous Meerkats have continued with their DT project on building bridges.  The children have enjoyed learning about the different types of construction and stability of different types of bridge.  On Thursday the children were challenged to design and build their own bridges to hold a certain amount of weight (cubes).

Maths this week has been a recap on Ratio and reading and drawing line graphs.

In English the children have been writing the different parts of their persuasive leaflets, encouraging holiday makers to visit the Arctic.  

For part of our PE lessons the children have been learning the rules of cricket and have started to use their skills in games - we will continue this for the remainder of this term.


Star of the week - Eddie

Star writer - Zikora

Class attendance - 95.9%


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